Sequence Question Real analysis IIT JAM 2018
Note that,
- An element $m$ is maximum of set $S$ iff $s≤m$ for all $s\in S$ and $m\in S$. Further, if a set $S$ has maximum element then it is supremum of $S$.
- Similarly, an element $l$ is minimum or least element of set $S$ if $l≤s$ all $s\in S$ and $l\in S$. Further, if a set $S$ has minimum or least element then it is infimum of $S$.
$sup\{a_n: n\in\mathbb{N}\}$
$=3$ (since maximum of set $\{a_1,a_2,...\}$ is 3. )
$inf\{a_n: n\in\mathbb{N}\}$
$=1$ (since, $\{a_1,a_2,...\}$ has minimum or least element 1)
Hence option (A) is true, (C) is false.
Now to discuss options (B) and (C): we note that,
$\text{lim inf} (a_n)$ is infimum of set of all subsequential limits of sequence $(a_n)$ and similarly, $\text{lim sup} (a_n)$ is supremum of set of all subsequential limits of sequence $(a_n)$
Hence clearly, $\text{lim inf}(a_n)=inf\{1,2\}=1$ and $\text{lim sup}(a_n)=sup\{1,2\}=2$
Hence both options (B), (D) are false!
Hence answer is, option (A) only.
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